The Weekly Round Up - Sex Tapes, Suicide Attempts and Yawning...

Australia is not the only country to be obsessed with Cut Tari this week, but it comes first alphabetically so I figured I'd name (and shame?) them. Now, if you (like me) are scratching your head slightly at the mention of Cut Tari then I have to tell you that her weekly popularity, like so many celebrities before her, has soared due to the existence (or, possibly non-existence) of a sex video featuring her and Indonesian pop star Ariel (of the band Peterpan). With the posting of said steamy video online, her international recognition has soared in this past week...
Meanwhile, across the Pacific in the USA, another sex tape scandal has seen Americans frantically typing in the name of Danielle Staub, star of the reality-TV show Real Housewives of New Jersey as she has been caught - for the second time - on camera. However, speculation is rife that Ms. Staub engineered the sex tape scandal in order to raise both publicity and funds. Surely the first celebrity ever to do such a thing, I'm sure...
In Brazil, however, a very different scandal has been shocking the nation - the astonishingly bad form of Zeca Camargo as he yawned live on national TV. Despite apologies, and the obvious fanfare surrounding Brazil's World Cup campaign, Camargo's yawn has attracted more than a million views on a myriad of Youtube postings.
Finally, in Sweden (for reasons likely known only to themselves) the biggest celebrity buzz was all about Tila Tequila. This is quite impressive considering that Ms. Tequila's star is very much in the descendency ever since being dropped by MTV from their Shot At Love show - however, it is most likely due to the recent - and bizarre - attempt made by Tila Tequila to squeeze her way back into the spotlight by faking a suicide attempt. Based upon the lack of interest showed anywhere else in the world she should, perhaps, consider a move to