And the kitchen romeo has dispelled rumours he proposed during his Queensland island getaway.
Stone, who cooked up a storm for talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, laughed off suggestions he and Price were engaged.
Reports emerged at the weekend that Stone had popped the question to his girlfriend of almost a year and then immediately shared the news with his friend Winfrey.
"We had a great time on Hamilton Island, but there is no engagement," Stone said.
The pair were spied out and about in Melbourne on Sunday night, strolling arm in arm through Crown.
Stone and Price are spending a few days together in Melbourne before Price returns to America to celebrate Christmas with her family.
Stone will stay on in Melbourne, spending Christmas at home for the first time in 13 years.
He is doing some work with Coles and will head back to his base in LA next month to prepare for the launch of his new US reality series, America's Next Great Restaurant.